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dimanche 26 avril 2015

Nepal earthquake: Rescue effort intensifies

Rescue efforts in Nepal are intensifying after nearly 2,000 people were killed on Saturday in the worst earthquake there in more than 80 years.
Seventeen people have been killed on Mount Everest by avalanches - the mountain's worst-ever disaster.
Meanwhile a powerful aftershock was felt on Sunday in Nepal, India and Bangladesh, and more avalanches were reported near Everest.
The 6.7 magnitude tremor, centred 60km (40 miles) east of Nepal's capital Kathmandu, sent people running in panic for open ground in the city.
Screams and the sound of an avalanche could be heard as an Indian mountaineer was interviewed by phone from near Everest by Reuters news agency.

The pictures emerging from the Nepalese capital, Kathmandu, are shocking.
Durbar square, a Unesco World Heritage Site, has been reduced to rubble. The famous Dharahara Tower has been toppled to leave just a stump.
Nepal is used to quakes – this is one of the most seismically active regions in the world. You only have to look at the Himalayas to understand that.
The mountains are being built as a consequence of the Indian tectonic plate driving under Central Asia (the Eurasian tectonic plate). These two great slabs of the Earth's crust are converging at a relative rate of about 4-5cm (two inches) a year.
The upward climb of Everest and its sister mountains is accompanied by numerous tremors.
David Rothery, a professor of planetary geosciences, at the Open University, UK, commented: "The Himalayan mountains are being thrust over the Indian plate; there are two or three big thrust faults, basically. And some very gently dipping fault will have been what moved, and gave us this event. Casualties are reported in Kathmandu, but we now wait to see how widespread the problems are."

Vulnerable buildings

Initial estimates of casualties, even in the biggest quakes, usually start off small, and then grow.
In the case of this quake, the fear will be that the final numbers could be quite high.
That's not just because the magnitude of the main event was large – at M7.8 (numbers will be revised as more data is assessed) – but that it was also very shallow – a mere 10-15km down.
This will have made the shaking felt at the surface extremely severe. And in the four hours that followed the main event, at least 14 aftershocks were recorded, most of them magnitude fours and fives, but including a Magnitude 6.6.
Remember, every step down on the scale constitutes a 30-times drop in the energy released in an event, but when buildings are already damaged, the smaller aftershock may be all that's required to bring a structure crashing to the ground.
And the assessment is that much of the population in this region live in houses that are highly vulnerable to earthquake shaking: unreinforced brick masonry and the like.

Landslide risk

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