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jeudi 30 avril 2015

What PS3Magic Does?

What PS3Magic Does?
If you are still struggling to install Linux your PS3 and feel deceived by all the How-To guides and Softwares available on the net - well all I can say is this It's Not Your Fault. I know how confusing they all are. On this page you are going to discover how to choose the right Linux for your PS3 and how to install it without all the technical hassles.
PS3Magic will do just that.

PS3Magic is an easy to use software guide that takes away all the guesswork and helps you to install Linux in your PS3 effortlessly.

With PS3Magic you can install Yellowdog Linux(up to latest Version!) and also Ubuntu Linux.
Install Linux on PS3

Doing so allows you to Play Movies, Music and most other type of multimedia file formats which your PS3 usually doesn't support.
Never have an unplayable file again!
Install Linux on PS3

Run Windows with Yellow Dog Linux or Ubuntu Linux - according to your preference.

PS3Magic has also been updated to install Windows. If you are not familiar with Linux Operating system, then our product will also help you install and Run Windows in your PS3 seamlessly.
Install Linux on PS3Receive free lifetime updates and support with the latest features available for your PS3.

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